Antisocial behavior.
I'm sitting at lunch, by myself reading a book. The lady that used to be my boss sits down and asks "What are you reading?"I have several problems with this. Number 1 obviously I am reading and will have to stop to answer her question. Number 2 if she is an avid reader and thinks there's an off chance I am reading a book she's read before and therefore can be related to she should know better than to interrupt Me while I'm reading. Number 3 If she's not an avid reader what chance is there that possibly she's ever heard of the book I'm reading. Ok obviously I don't like to be bothered when I'm reading, I was under the impression that most people don't, except maybe for a portion of the population that reads only because they have absolutely nothing better to do and are just killing time. So my next problem is the next day I'm walking to lunch and pass by the same lady in the hallway "That's a different book from yesterday, isn't it" Astounding! What a sharp mind to deduce that because the book is no longer a large blue hardcover book without a dustjacket, and is now a small paperback with a white cover. But I just say "yes, it is.": and continue trying to get to the cafeteria where I can enjoy this "New" book, but nosy lady is not to be denied. "Did you finish that other book?" now I want to just say yes and end this conversation, maybe knock her down as I pass by, a swift elbow to the windpipe to ensure a future without questions from her, but to be perverse I say "No, I like to read part of a different book every day, so I don't get bored." The look on her face was priceless I probably should have smiled or something to indicate I was joking but I didn't, and she hasn't asked me about books again. Another antisocial reaction accomplished. Yay!That reminds me of a favorite episode which also happened at work. This guy from sales came up to me and another coworker and started to talk about the upcoming Brett Favre day thing this state had. We weren't talking about sports, but two guys standing together is enough cause to bring up anything sports related. He says "What do you think of this Brett Favre day?" I say "I think it's stupid, who cares who found the damn beans, and they taste like hell anyway." I stomped off to my cubicle, my coworker waited a few stunned seconds before he got the joke and busted out laughing. The other guy won't even acknowledge me in the hallway anymore. He must feel I made a joke at his expense, or else he's just not comfortable trying to talk to other men about something that is not sports related. At least he got the message.
At 12:36 PM ,
ssas said...
I'm only social when I want to be - which isn't all that often. I preferred my sociability to be scheduled, as in for a party or a bar. Other than that, leave me the fuck alone!
Ok, that sounds harsh.
But true.
At 6:42 PM ,
Dawn said...
You got to do what ever work's and it sounds like that worked.
At 11:34 PM ,
Anonymous said...
im social sometimes, and anti others....
would love to be social with you.
At 9:01 PM ,
ssas said...
no shit, al. come back out to play!
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