Glade of the King

I have too many stories going outside the computer. I really need someone to type for me. I continue to be devoted to scribbling with pen and ink. I force myself to translate my script to digital text, but I continue to find excuses to keep writing new ideas instead.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

I spent all weekend re-covering bathroom walls in FMIL's new trailer's bathroom. I actually didn't mind doing it, a chance to flex my fix it muscles, and actually do some work that has an appreciable finish. I worked over 8 hrs on Sat and finished up in a record 9 hours sunday. I'm fairly handy, but after this insane project next time I will just be painting or wallpapering. What I actually did was to sheath all the walls with painted/ patterned board that FW fwll in love with. Now that it's up it looks pretty good, but all the seams and corners had to be covered with special types of trim. I'm glad to say it's done and the experience it has given me proves it's not worth doing. Granted it's a 2 room bathroom vanity / bathroom, but it would have been faster and easier to remove every wall of both rooms entirely and replace them. Add to the headache replacing the shower / tub faucets and hardware (since I was in there anyway) replacing a ceiling exhaust fan... I was glad to have yesterday off to relax, but today I'm still tired. At least I'm almost done fixing FMIL's house, she just moved in and the last owner was wrecked the place. I just have a few windows to replace..
So the score stands at;
repainted 4 rooms, kitchen, and bathroom
covered new paint job with sheath board in bathroom
replaced 8 electrical outlest that were painted shut
fixed one screen door screen
replaced exhaust fan
replaced trim in 2 bedrooms
hung shelves in two bedrooms
assembled and installed bathroom cupboard
installed new Gas range
installed dryer vent
added threshold for front screen door

It doesn't sound like as much work as it was for me to do. I'm just learning though, and if I had to do all these things again I could probably finish them in just one weekend(maybe not the painting.) instead of two weekends and seven 1to2 hour nights after work..


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