I almost wrote a second chapter to my saga of This Guy, but I can't keep the characters from turning to mush. I based it entirely on real people, yet the logical or reasonable reaction to a situation like that seems to elude me. I can't make the characters react realistically in my head. I have no idea how they'd do it and therefore every attempt I've made has turned out badly. In one attempt our "heroes" ended up on a beach (in Maryland of all places) punching each other and screaming. In the next they set up a complicated (and boring) system to slowly withdraw the money from the overseas account to avoid IRS notice (too much time at work on this one). There may be no easy answer. It was an odd story when I wrote it. Pure inspiration and caffeine overload, I just belted it out. Structured writing is so much harder for me. I'm going to come up with something for it, will not give up. I've got ideas, seriously everyone has ideas. I need form, function, flexibility, insight, awareness, flow, etc..
About Me
- Name: Goodkingalan
- Location: madison, WISCONSIN, United States
Finally can call myself a writer, that is almost all i do now. Can't wait to call myself an Author
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- Why does it bother me so much that my dad apologiz...
- My father's coming to my house today. First time ...
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At 5:11 PM ,
ssas said...
What I've learned is to just write it out and don't worry about why. I always write to find out what happens and find out why during editing. Like I just had an epiphany last night on the motivation of my current baddie.
I've spent the better part of two years worrying that he had no motivation and so was not believable. He's done a lot of weird shit and four books later I still had no idea why... but now, suddenly, it all starts to make sense.
The presiding (heh, get my timely adjective) themes will emerge from the words if you just write them and read them about a thousand times. Then you throw out what doesn't fit and pump up the stuff that does. Anyway, works for me. Worked for Stephen King.
Oh, and whiskey. Lots of whiskey.
I wanted to know more about your characters when I read the piece. Good luck.
At 1:33 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Your a great writer there my King.
Keep it up.
At 2:39 PM ,
Goodkingalan said...
Sex?- I got the drinking part down flat, I mean pat.. Maybe that's why I'm still not clever enough to figure out what's behind your name... Hick.
At 2:41 PM ,
Goodkingalan said...
Anonymous comments are supposed to be angry or mean. If you're going to be nice, leave a name..
At 7:17 PM ,
Greg said...
take up a bit of psychology perhaps? Or maybe interject a bit more of you into the characters. Or maybe you can say fuckit and not think about it, just do it. I dunno i've never written a fiction story so i can't feel your pain, its a tough business though, apparently.
At 6:10 PM ,
Goodkingalan said...
johnnie tried the force, but that damn glass still won't float over here...
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