Glade of the King

I have too many stories going outside the computer. I really need someone to type for me. I continue to be devoted to scribbling with pen and ink. I force myself to translate my script to digital text, but I continue to find excuses to keep writing new ideas instead.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

I finally pushed through This Guy #2 It only took 3 martinis and a concoction called "Too drunk to measure out or shake up a real martini so I just poured gin, vermouth and tossed a cherry into a lowball full of ice" Just so you don't worry I did shake the glass a little before I drank it walking is hard sometimes.. As I was saying I wrote out what I was sure was a triumphant chapter in the saga, then confident that I had written with the universe whispering her secrets in my ear, I put down my pad and went to sleep. Only to find the next morning, to my absolute horror, someone had switched my masterpiece for some sloppy drunken drivel that barely made sense and occasionally seemed to run itself right off the page. I scanned it for salvageable material, There had to be some kernel of an Idea worth saving somewhere in the 4 handwritten pages of drunk-speak. That's when I found it. The inspiration, the driving force that enabled me to recapture the spirit of my character and the true flow of my story....A slight pain behind my right eye resolved itself into a throbbing ache. The dryness that had tickled in my throat spread a sticky paste into my mouth and down into my stomach. Yes I'm hung over, and finally in the proper frame of mind to continue writing, because I'm just trying to kill time. It's too early in the day for another cocktail, and no amount of aspirin or caffeine can substitute for the cocktail cure...


  • At 5:12 PM , Blogger ssas said...

    1. It's never too early in the day for another cocktail.
    2. Toldja it would come if you just write and write (and drink and drink.) Well done.
    :) cheers

  • At 6:53 PM , Blogger Goodkingalan said...

    Of course by too early for a cocktail means I interact with too many people at work to pull off and early cocktail...


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