Aside from the loss of a cane, and the horrible bruise on my left shin, I had one of the best nights sleep last night. Turns out too- much gin makes Alan go a little weird. I was dreaming pretty intensely last night and woke up to FW's surprised shriek, a loud cracking noise and a sharp pain in my shin.
FW says I woke her up getting out of bed, she figured I was getting a drink, but when I got down on my stomach and low-crawled out of the bedroom, she figured I was sleepwalking again. She followed me quietly (bad idea to wake up a sleepwalker) into the living room where I picked up a black cane out of the rack and then crawled behind the Christmas tree, knocking off several (but not breaking) any of the ornaments. She was too scared to come close so she called to me across the room asking me what I was doing. I'm going to write out the conversation she said we had because it's way funnier that way:
"What are you doing Alan?" her
"Damn you! Keep your voice down or they'll hear us."
"Who will?"
"The Saxons are at the door and you stand there calling to them! Mumble mumble mumble "She just couldn't understand that part.
"Who's at the door?" she started giggling
"The Saxons! Do you stand for him?"
"For who?" more giggling.
"The king! Mumble mumble"
"Alan, come back to bed"giggle"you're going to knock over the tree. And your not wearing any clothes"
Right then the Saxons must have attacked because FW says I jumped out from behind the tree ran towards the front door screaming and brandishing the cane, so she did the only thing she could think of, she tipped the large metal can which hold my other canes (I'm a collector) a didgeridoo, and two large bamboo poles (not sure where those came from but I have them) into my path in an effort to stop my mad dash outside. Now it's probably for the best, it was about 6 degrees out and snowing at 4 this morning It was a bad idea because I ran into the assorted implements of destruction and after breaking one of the canes, and almost breaking my shin; I hit the floor. Hard.
Now fw wants a video camera for Christmas. Hell no.
FW says I woke her up getting out of bed, she figured I was getting a drink, but when I got down on my stomach and low-crawled out of the bedroom, she figured I was sleepwalking again. She followed me quietly (bad idea to wake up a sleepwalker) into the living room where I picked up a black cane out of the rack and then crawled behind the Christmas tree, knocking off several (but not breaking) any of the ornaments. She was too scared to come close so she called to me across the room asking me what I was doing. I'm going to write out the conversation she said we had because it's way funnier that way:
"What are you doing Alan?" her
"Damn you! Keep your voice down or they'll hear us."
"Who will?"
"The Saxons are at the door and you stand there calling to them! Mumble mumble mumble "She just couldn't understand that part.
"Who's at the door?" she started giggling
"The Saxons! Do you stand for him?"
"For who?" more giggling.
"The king! Mumble mumble"
"Alan, come back to bed"giggle"you're going to knock over the tree. And your not wearing any clothes"
Right then the Saxons must have attacked because FW says I jumped out from behind the tree ran towards the front door screaming and brandishing the cane, so she did the only thing she could think of, she tipped the large metal can which hold my other canes (I'm a collector) a didgeridoo, and two large bamboo poles (not sure where those came from but I have them) into my path in an effort to stop my mad dash outside. Now it's probably for the best, it was about 6 degrees out and snowing at 4 this morning It was a bad idea because I ran into the assorted implements of destruction and after breaking one of the canes, and almost breaking my shin; I hit the floor. Hard.
Now fw wants a video camera for Christmas. Hell no.
At 9:25 PM ,
ssas said...
We had a friend in school who used to blow off his insulin shots and after about a day he'd get so weird - it was exactly like sleepwalking. His own little world, man.
Good shit - there must be a story in there somewhere. Saxons are cool.
Hey! I collect canes too! Everybody thinks I'm nuts, but I love 'em.
At 1:23 PM ,
Goodkingalan said...
I thought it was pretty funny too, but I'm still limping.
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