In Answer To "My Friend" Is MEGATRON evil?
He was evil because he only lived to destroy Optimus Prime and all the cool little car transformers.He was evil because he shunned acceptable civil propriety focusing all his energy on obtaining Energon(?) Cubes. His casual disregard for other life forms evident as he destroyed lives and planets in his quest for more energon.He was evil, yet inside he must have been sad. If only he had one engineer, one scientist.. Instead shackled with moronic war machines, imbecilic insects and finally peanut brained reptiles he was cursed to failure. Perhaps realization of his ultimate frustration was what drove him to such drastic lengths, drew such wanton brutality from the deep parts of his metallic hollow shell..That's why he was a transformer....
They're more than meets the eye.....
Anyway I'm rambling today, too many long long days here at the desk, I'm all pent up. Actually FW woke me up with some naughty naughty behavior and I guess her cold must be cured! Yay!
Does it bother anyone else that U2 song Vertigo was in an Ipod commercial before the album was even released? I'm not a big fan anymore but I probably have most of their albums tucked away in some closet. Is it as shady as it seems or is it a sign of how big they've gotten that they can go straight to commercial. Is that the new pinnacle of Rock-Stardom, once all the booze and drugs and girls and boys have lost their thrill is mass amounts of cash the only thing left for the jaded superstar?
A lot of musicians do just commercials, without the fame and fortune. Do any of their current fans feel cheapened? Or is IPod so cool that it doesn't matter. Does it deserve Rock Star attention?
Just babbling, for once I'm not feeling sex obsessed, but it's still early, I have hopes for an afternoon pant stretching...