Glade of the King

I have too many stories going outside the computer. I really need someone to type for me. I continue to be devoted to scribbling with pen and ink. I force myself to translate my script to digital text, but I continue to find excuses to keep writing new ideas instead.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

How evil are you?
Ok- except for working for AOL it sounds pretty dean on. Mwah ha ha ah!
Why yes I am bored and overcaffienated at the end of this day...

Monday, November 29, 2004

Surving Thanksgiving was easy this year. Whilst cooking I was sampling, though fortunately for me i ate more of the fresh breen beans than I did anything else. After the apertizer beer "pislner Urquell" Dinner beer of "Staten optimizer" I ate a small piece of turkey 1 slice of yam a few green beans and stopped. I was comfortable, happy satisfied and not full enough to be inconvienenced, Later that night I toasted some turkey and sharp cheddar over herb cream cheese and a heavy roll.

So no over doing it this year, it seems two overweight older people on my block gave themselves heart attacks from overeating.

And on that note a very close friends 11 year old sister went to the hospital Saturday and was diagnosed as having a heart attack. How fucking obscene. She's 11?! Some sort of virus has attacked her heart and brought her to the point where she had a heart attack. Of course a doctor told her parents she had a heart attack while she was in the room.
She says " Daddy I don't want to die. I haven't driven a car yet."

Not sure what's going to happen next, she is still alive so that's promising, hopefully everything can be fixed to where she can get back to a normal pre teen life.

Monday, November 22, 2004

This Thanksgiving i am cooking:
1 turkey w/ asian pear currant stuffing
Steamed green beans w/ bacon vinegar dressing
Candied sweet potatoes
Pumpkin pie
It still seems like I need something else with this but I am keeping it simple this year, no-one but me wants a salad with this, and so the chef is sadly outnumbered. I did have two fine wines chosen but FW and her mother will not drink wine, and my buddy from NJ doesn't really drink wine. So again outnumbered I have decided on a selection of beer but have no ideas which ones. Probably busch beore dinner busch light with dinner then busch ice with dessert.. Just kidding maybe..

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

This Guy#3 is done, we finally get names. Nobody dies. Damn..
I'll try harder next time. Still at work and it's late, only 2 more hours to go.
I had a strange nightmare that the IT department was tired of me spending so much time online. Someone whispered to me they were coming over to DEFRAG me. I was in a panic and sweating. I kept looking up over the cubicle walls so I could see them coming. I knew they were coming over on their chairs so I wouldn't see them but I kept looking. I couldn't leave my desk. They were around me leaning over speaking in numbers "0203487641130" "011444522" their voices never changed pitch or tone, but they leaned forward expectantly waiting for an answer. I kept turning back to my computer then turning back to them shrugging. I had something on my screen I didn't want them to see.
I hate dreams about work..

Thursday, November 11, 2004

In Answer To "My Friend" Is MEGATRON evil?
He was evil because he only lived to destroy Optimus Prime and all the cool little car transformers.He was evil because he shunned acceptable civil propriety focusing all his energy on obtaining Energon(?) Cubes. His casual disregard for other life forms evident as he destroyed lives and planets in his quest for more energon.He was evil, yet inside he must have been sad. If only he had one engineer, one scientist.. Instead shackled with moronic war machines, imbecilic insects and finally peanut brained reptiles he was cursed to failure. Perhaps realization of his ultimate frustration was what drove him to such drastic lengths, drew such wanton brutality from the deep parts of his metallic hollow shell..That's why he was a transformer....
They're more than meets the eye.....
Anyway I'm rambling today, too many long long days here at the desk, I'm all pent up. Actually FW woke me up with some naughty naughty behavior and I guess her cold must be cured! Yay!
Does it bother anyone else that U2 song Vertigo was in an Ipod commercial before the album was even released? I'm not a big fan anymore but I probably have most of their albums tucked away in some closet. Is it as shady as it seems or is it a sign of how big they've gotten that they can go straight to commercial. Is that the new pinnacle of Rock-Stardom, once all the booze and drugs and girls and boys have lost their thrill is mass amounts of cash the only thing left for the jaded superstar?
A lot of musicians do just commercials, without the fame and fortune. Do any of their current fans feel cheapened? Or is IPod so cool that it doesn't matter. Does it deserve Rock Star attention?
Just babbling, for once I'm not feeling sex obsessed, but it's still early, I have hopes for an afternoon pant stretching...

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

I finally pushed through This Guy #2 It only took 3 martinis and a concoction called "Too drunk to measure out or shake up a real martini so I just poured gin, vermouth and tossed a cherry into a lowball full of ice" Just so you don't worry I did shake the glass a little before I drank it walking is hard sometimes.. As I was saying I wrote out what I was sure was a triumphant chapter in the saga, then confident that I had written with the universe whispering her secrets in my ear, I put down my pad and went to sleep. Only to find the next morning, to my absolute horror, someone had switched my masterpiece for some sloppy drunken drivel that barely made sense and occasionally seemed to run itself right off the page. I scanned it for salvageable material, There had to be some kernel of an Idea worth saving somewhere in the 4 handwritten pages of drunk-speak. That's when I found it. The inspiration, the driving force that enabled me to recapture the spirit of my character and the true flow of my story....A slight pain behind my right eye resolved itself into a throbbing ache. The dryness that had tickled in my throat spread a sticky paste into my mouth and down into my stomach. Yes I'm hung over, and finally in the proper frame of mind to continue writing, because I'm just trying to kill time. It's too early in the day for another cocktail, and no amount of aspirin or caffeine can substitute for the cocktail cure...

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I almost wrote a second chapter to my saga of This Guy, but I can't keep the characters from turning to mush. I based it entirely on real people, yet the logical or reasonable reaction to a situation like that seems to elude me. I can't make the characters react realistically in my head. I have no idea how they'd do it and therefore every attempt I've made has turned out badly. In one attempt our "heroes" ended up on a beach (in Maryland of all places) punching each other and screaming. In the next they set up a complicated (and boring) system to slowly withdraw the money from the overseas account to avoid IRS notice (too much time at work on this one). There may be no easy answer. It was an odd story when I wrote it. Pure inspiration and caffeine overload, I just belted it out. Structured writing is so much harder for me. I'm going to come up with something for it, will not give up. I've got ideas, seriously everyone has ideas. I need form, function, flexibility, insight, awareness, flow, etc..